Rectors and Vice Rectors
[ A | B | D | E | F | G | H | J | K | L | M | O | P | R | S | T | V | W | Z ]
Ronald Maier
Vice Rector, Prof. Dr.
University of Vienna
Gerhard Mannsberger
Vice Rector,
BOKU-University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
Christian Mathes
Vice Rector, Mag.
University of Innsbruck
Johannes Meissl
Vice Rector, Prof.
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Michael Monsberger
Vice Rector, Prof. Dr.
Graz University of Technology
Peter Moser
Rector, Prof. Dr.
Montanuniversität Leoben
Gerda Müller
Vice Rector,
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Markus Müller
Rector, Prof. Dr.
Medical University of Vienna